In this time of  an age , poverty is  the greatest enemy of human being. Though, it has been our greatest enemy not just now . When you look into particularly some African countries , you will understand  what am trying to say. According to some researchers, African countries,South America and some part of Asia are affected most. When we look at Africa especially, the various governments  are just too corrupt which has been affecting the people in so many negative ways.However, there are some demographics that  suffer most . Some years back, a re-known professor said that young people in Nigeria are wasted generation . This was met by anger from the public . But if we look at what he said critical we will see that he is saying the fact. I do not want to base my analysis on Nigeria alone, but will still want to say something about the largest African nation. According to statistics , over 70% of this great nation are living and swimming in poverty. Millions  of them graduate from higher institutions every year ,but they do not have jobs do .  'In south America many of their youths prefer to sell drugs to sustain themselves . Cartels take advantage of these vibrants   young people ,manipulate them and exploit them . Young women are most vulnerable . Most of these young women are sent to commit prostitution.

Though, some of these young  people are also use for transporting drugs in South America . If we look closely into people  that are in prison,  young people are mostly involve and affected. Even in the United State, which has the largest economy in the world, the young people or the youth are mostly drug addicts or drug peddlers, We all know the reason for these problems. The devil finds work  for idle hands  . When you are busy channeling your energy as youth to do better things you will see results and you will not end up in prison  or die through gun violence which is common in the United State.
Well i will like to talk briefly on what is happening   in Asia . China is trying to bring people out of poverty. They are very proactive about the youth population though with very bad human right records.The Chinese government is encouraging their youth to embrace technology.
Japan is also doing the same thing.South Korea is trying their best. Philippines  is not doing enough . With the level of prostitution in Philippine, i would say they are at the lowest level of the chart. India is doing her best ,but with their population set to peak at  2 billion, they need to either curb or reduce the population or make provisions . I intentionally talked about these issues so that we will understand how  terrible poverty  is . Though my focus  is on everybody both old on young but i want to really talk about how youth can lift themselves out of poverty even in Somalia.

1 LOOK FOR NEEDS IN YOUR AREA: There has always being a need in every society Years back in Nigeria, a young man discovered that making water in a nylon sachet will sell more. Indeed, he became a multimillionaire  selling pure water in a small sachet  . A lot of people  do not think they just want to copy what others are doing . Years latter after  the young the young man discovered the magic of pure water business , countless of people followed . Meditation is the key to discovering  new ideas.. We should not just sit down and try to copy other people's successes .  We all  have different  visions   in life . The laziness among  both young and old is killing everybody gradually.
Let me sound this note of warning , anybody can do anything at any time either you are old or young.
It has nothing to do with your age . It has everything to do with your mind . I heard a story of a young man who retired at the age of 65 in the US and started a business which has now turned into a multi billion dollars enterprise  .So we should  all try to look inward to see what we can do  . I Know some folks are asking questions on how to discover the need of people around them . The answer to this question is that we should conduct market research  through  face to face interview with people. When you do this, you will know what they need most in your area  anf questionnaire can also be used in research .

2  ENGAGE IN USING SOCIAL MEDIA MORE: A lots of ideas flow in the social media e. g Facebook  , Tweeter , Instagram  . Most of these social media  media tools can be used to generate ideas . Years back somebody started a shoe  business and he could not get buyers  for his product. He began to employ  the power of social  media , eventually  he made it . Another was looking for a way to promote his music. He had tried some media Outlets  but disappointed  . He finally tried it on the YouTube  and sold millions of copies. Do not underestimate what  the power a social media can do to your business. Somebody learnt  how to make a shoe on internet . She has her own shoe factory now .i also have suggestion for you that you should start writing  to help other . You can learn a trade  and promote  it with few dollars on internet. We should be aware that everything starts little . You cannot build Rome in day'.

3 PROCRASTINATION : Everybody will suffer this disease called procrastination . I call it a decease because it is like a cancer that will eat anybody that allows it to grow in them. We will have an idea and you will not be able to carry it out . I heard a story from my carpenter  that prompted me to want do  more. He said his father died when he was still very young. Well , this is not like the western world where you will have opportunity to  be taken into foster home, In Africa , you are on you own . This man said at first he was devastated because that means  the education must be put on hold. His uncle came eventually to take him to Lagos Nigeria . The uncle told him that he could no longer further his education and that he would had to learn a trade.he said he told his closest friend then who suffered the same fate as him . His friend told him that he was going to think about it.Till today maybe he's still meditating on it . Well , years later our carpenter became successful  in his trade, married with children and own a house and two cars. He now traveled  back to his small village for some kind of ceremony . To his amazement he saw that his friend dancing with poverty. The said friend was in state of confusion  when he saw his friend . The point of this life experience is to help us to fight off procrastination.
4 POWER  OF MEDITATION; Though i said something about this earlier, but i will like to  elaborate.
Meditation is a very strong principle of lifting us out of poverty . The question  is what do you think about when you are alone or let me put it this way , what  goes on on your mind most of the time. This are the question we should begin to ask ourselves most of the time , Honestly, you should  always ask yourself what you think about most. What you think about will  make you  Bible says you reap what you soul. It is very mandatory  for every young and old  people alike to examining  ourselves and do complete assessment on our thoughts. Train your mind to focus on what is productive or profitable .Somebody is asking a question on how to meditate on what is productive . First . mind is a very powerful tools if you  want to achieving success. What   we hear everyday affects the way we think Somebody once told a large group  of people that he does not listen to everybody. We should stop listen to what we destroy  our confidence . News that are not productive should be avoided . Friends  that do not add anything to you should be put at arms length  . What do you talk about when you are with your friends? All these factors will eventually affect our meditation power or ability to think  inward, Let me give you some tips . When you want to think about a plan try and find a lonely place in which you can think very well
The last factor is God . GOD FACTOR:  For those of you that trust God ,make sure you always ask for directions. Thank  you . Please make sure you share your view and any question should be asked and am ready to answer.
By Yomi Bedu 


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