The blog is about international News and entertainment, lifestyle, motivational and inspirational articles on wellness, business development and organizational design.
Taiwo Obasanjo seeking court injunction to stop the weeding of her son .Taiwo Obasajo is the wife of Chief Olusegun Obasajo .The weeding which supposed to be held on may 11 .She wants the weeding to be shifted to June 1 .According to her ,she said she received a prophecies from a man of God that her son Olujonwo should not do anything for now before June 1 which is his birthday
The central bank of Nigeria CBN has introduced new FX rate on Monday . it will no longer exchange a dollar for 375 for school fees ,medical trip and traveling allowance. The will now be selling it to bank at 357 while bank will sell it to costumers at 360.
Dozen of people were arrested on Sunday in Moscow, Russia for an unauthorized protests,according to state media and international group. The demonstrators were attending an anti-corruption rally in Moscow