This is a very mind blowing tittle 'how to be liked'. What am trying to say is that everybody wants some form of acceptance . The key to this is that you have to like or love people genuinely . This is a natural law of nature . If we work against  the nature  , the nature we surely works against us naturally.When a man naturally likes others  he himself is certainly to be liked or loved by other people in return. So let me say this,so ,a primary step in being well liked is simply to like other people  and like them sincerely , not for a purpose. A lot of us will primarily want to get close to people because of the things they have or what we can get form them. .We often complain  about  how we face disappointment  from other people but we fail to address or analyse our own negative  behavior  towards other fellow human being .Do not expect to plant rice and harvest  corn in return . It is impossible .

      Some people will say it is not easy. Of course,this is not an easy task because it involves our emotions . Some people are more difficult to love. Nothing you do for them really matters .Also some people are easy to love than others . The funny side of it is that the more you  practice  liking other people ,the easier it becomes .Hey folks,this is not done by blithely saying,' am going to like everybody.'While,as i said,it is simple,it is not simple as that  because it is going to involve hard work. Liking people is a way of life like eating everyday or sleeping everyday. We do all these everyday because it is part of human life style . Likewise,'liking people should be a way of life like sleeping and eating etc. This is as a  result of certain thinking patterns.

And one of the principal thought  of liking other people is  positive  thinking . It is taking  a positive  and not negative attitude towards everybody.   FROM ABAYOMI   BEDU .   


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