1 JOB CREATION,This js the first step to be taken into consideration when selecting and recruiting personnel.There most be a job which people are expected to apply for .When the job is created,then there will be vacancy for the organization to be filled by interested applicant outside or within the organization.
2 JOB ANALYSIS,It is the process of describing and recording several job aspects including the purposes ,task characteristics, task duties ,behaviors and requisite skills abilities of jobs in  a given organizational setting, Job analysis often results in two components namely jobs  description and job specialization that can be used  in recruiting , selection appraising or evaluating,compensation ,and training workers .Job descriptions include a statement of the duties conditions ,purpose and characteristic of the job while job specialization includes the set skills needed knowledge and abilities to successfully perform the job duties under the given conditions , a description of individuals  preference ,interest and personality traits that might best be served by the job.
3 JOB RECRUITMENT, The recruitment program is developed around strategic planing human resources planning .Advertising the job in social media or mass media is essential to allow more applicant to participate in the recruitment exercise . Recruitment can be external or internal .external recruitment can be done by the organisation itself of recruitment agencies .Recruitment can also be internal
4 APPLICANT BLANK,Obtaining and fillig the application form shows that applicants responsible to the job call item in the applicant blank includes name age educational qualifications , work experience, referees nationality.etc
5 ADMINISTRATIVE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST,Tests are administered to all applicants. The objective of this is for easy shortlisting. Cut off scores are set depending on the numbers of applicants. If the applicants are many, the cut off score will be very high but if the applicants are not many the cut off will be very low
6 FINAL INTERVIEW, Interview is giving to the shortlisted applicants based on their performances in the psychological testing .
7 REFERENCE , Information about the  selected applicants is essential and this is possible through their referees as stated in their blank application.
 8 MEDICAL REPORTS , This is necessary in order to know how healthy and medically fit a selected applicant is , Also they most summit to drug test .
9 FINAL SELECTION, The final selection, of successful candidates is based on the information of referees and medical reports
10 PLACEMENT , Placement is done taking into cognizance the job requirements and the qualifications and the requirements skills of the successful applicants so that applicant will be successfully matched with the job


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