We often complain that happiness is ephemeral . But we can gain comfort and strength   from the thought that the bad and the unpleasant things that happiness pass just the same .
We have to look  outwards towards other people and the outside world instead of inward ourselves .Fresh opportunity we always come ,always assuming that we are capable of seeing them  ,

Become interested in other people ,find fulfillment in service to other , and slowly but we find happiness ourselves. Conversely , when we allow depression to become   a habit , we get caught and held and bogged down in a mental quagmire where it can become impossible to hope and to exercise any will power.

   For this reason , the practice of resorting to such things as tranquilizers is to be avoided . Once we come to depend on these for relief we have embarked on a course which leads us into the circle.

If you want to get rid of depression, you must remain the captain of your soul .Although , your doctor can help, and your family and friends may be intelligent as well as kind about your problem and willing to do all they can for you , in the long run it will depend on you

Nobody can make you fill better if you, yourself, are not prepare co operate. Indeed you have to do more than to co operate . You to keep on trying , even when you do not feel like it, even when it seems no use .

The positive attitude and the positive approach are all important ." I can feel a lot better if i try.I have so much to be thankful for .I will fill more cheerful ." You must not only think like this but mean it all the time .For a start take the soggy wool of self pity out of your eyes and really count your blessings.You can see . You can eat .You can walk, drink ,sleep, lie down. Many people cannot get that far. TO BE CONTINUE.....


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