Whatever feelings we have, including depression, we can be sure that they are shared by other people. We are not alone in any of our troubles.
It is because we do not know all the other people personally that  we develop this false idea that what is happening to us is unique .Because it seems special to us , we come to believe that we are different from other people.
Our feelings, including depression ,  therefore become more and more worry.
"The people i live with do not get depressed ,"you may be thinking , Perhaps not, But proportion of people do.
If we can realize this it will help. The conviction that we are not alone in our misery, that others often feel the same, makes the depression less important and so less frightening.
First of all we need to be sure about our health because if we become depressed.Even anxiety about health ,wondering what is wrong ,whether it is something serious ,makes us depressed.
Poisoning from bad teeth or bad sinuses will cause depression . Or physical  and nervous exhaustion after illness or operation , a series of bad cold s. Or not eating enough or not eating the right kind of food . There are other obvious causes like the shock of a sudden bereavement , or the physical and nervous exhaustion which follows the shock  of death after having had to cope with a long illness.
We can be unfortunate enough to suffer from a combination of depressing circumstances , like loosing ones job and a loved one around the same time. Or a series of small things can go wrong ,small and unimportant enough taken separately , they may collect together and undermine our self confidence , our sense of security , our feeling of being wanted .
It is easy to develop a thing about depression . taking insomnia as an illustration .We know how to develop habit of not sleeping by going to bed believing  that we will not be able to get sleep , but will lie awake all night counting the hour , telling ourselves that we are going to fill tired and wretched in the morning.     TO BE CONTINUED


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