Whenever feeling we have, including depression ,we can be sure that they are shared by other people .We are not alone in any of our thoughts
It is because we do not know all the other people personally that we develop this idea that what is happening to us is unique.
        Our feelings , includes depression ,therefore become more and more important. physical and nervous exhaustion  follow .Poison from bad teeth or bad sinuses will caurse depression .Or physical and nervous exhaustion from working and playing too hard ,or not eating the right kind of food.The other is shocking bearevement ,or the physical nervous exhaustion which follow the shock of death of love one’s. Loosing ones job and love one can even happen at the same time 
Everthing passes. We often complain that happiness is ephemeral. But we can gain comfort and strength from the thought that the bad and and the unpleasant things that happen pass just the same.We have to look to outward  other people and outside world instead of looking inward of ourselves Fresh opportunities will surely come ,always assuming that we are capable of seeing them


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